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About US

So you have written a book. Now what? That is a question thousands of authors ask every single day. It is a daunting task trying to decided what to do with your book once you have written it. Do you attempt to get an agent, who will hopefully get a publisher to publish your book? Do you self publish it, and hope that it sells? Both can be huge long shots. 

So here at Between The Lines we cut out the agent middle man, and we handle all aspects of your self publishing, from editing to publishing. Additionally we not publish you in e-book, but we also publish you in the traditional book format. We will have your book available for sale on multiple site.  We are an independent publisher, who understands that the publishing world is changing rapidly. Gone are the days of traditional publishing. Now self publishing, e-books, and independent publishers are on the rise. ​

One of the main reason self published books have low sales is due to a lack of marketing. So let us handle your marketing, which is just one of the perks we offer at our independent publishing house.

Besides handling you  book publishing needs. We do offer editing services for those of you who are looking to just have your documents edited, with out publishing with us.

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